Sunday, April 25, 2010

Party Down

No tequila for this TQB over the weekend. However, dinner party for 7 at Casa Baldwin (major props to CB's beef bourguignon!) revealed 8 empty bottles of wine this morning. So that's why I was feeling a bit rough...

So to lick my wounds this morning I turned to On Demand for some lighter fair. Discovered Starz's "Party Down" and proceeded to watch 4 straight episodes. Premise is various Hollywood wannabes working steady catering gigs to pay the bills. Each show features a new gig. It was just what the doctored ordered -- some very funny shit. I found myself laughing out loud on more than a few occasions. Well-written, witty, great main characters, plenty of LA cynicism, excellent acting and MANY great guest appearances (often playing themselves). It might not be for everyone, but it was definitely for me. I think new episodes are Friday nights @ 10, but On Demand is our friend. Give it a shot next time you're looking for some mindless chuckles.

Soon, I need to give my thoughts on my recent Sunday evening past times - HBO's The Pacific and Treme. Sunday night IS HBO.

Can't wait to see the Azul 17 review from Ol' DB. Props to Robin and Bob Ur for the recommendation.

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